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アンティーク着物地・帯から 創作物語



きっかけは、古い着物をリメイクして洋服を作る知人から 残りの布でコサージュを作ってほしいとの依頼からでした。私は、フラワーデザイナーとして 生花・ドライフラワー・プリザーブドフラワー等を使い分け「花」に触れることが多かった事や小さい頃から自分の「手」で、何かを創り出すことに魅力を感じていた事などが、この「アンティーク着物地」から「布の花を創る」ことに繋がりました。









花びらの一部には婚礼用の帯地で豪華な雰囲気に。大島紬・有松絞り・藍染などの渋い色合いの着物地の花びらを入れたりと アレンジも加えます。フランスのアンティーク・レースやチュールを挟みこんだりと自由に花々を表現しています。


私の創作する花々に心を留めてご覧いただき、愛・希望・自由・勇気 平和・癒しなどを感じて下さいましたら、創り手として、とても嬉しく幸いです。


                               布花創作家 山口 珠音

Making of fabric flowers with antique Kimono & Obi


Designing of fabric flowers from Kimono, a traditional beauty of Japan

I once was motivated by a designer friend to make a corsage using left over Kimono fabrics

while I was working as a florist.  I was in daily contact with all kinds of flowers, from fresh to dried and preserved ones

As a child, I loved using my hands to make things.  


When I was asked to make a fabric corsage for a friend, all these dots were connected.  I started designing fabric flowers using antique Kimono.

Self taught from scratch by spending few years researching into old books on the subject and learning Kote (small iron) techniques

Using Kote, flat pieces of fabric are figured into petals.

Then each petal is glued to the center core to form a flower

Flat pieces of fabrics are given new life as flowers and I was inspired by the excitement and magic of the moment of transformation.


Antique Kimono & Obi fabrics were another source of inspiration.

The silky touch, beautiful seasonal patterns,  gorgeous colors of gold and silver in Obi...

Antique Kimono or Obi's patterns are unique and most of the time, one and only.  

My creativity is also driven by the meaning of giving new life to these antique fabrics and revitalize them as flowers


Different tastes are arranged into a flower, some with wedding Obi for a touch of luxuriousness and some with darker colors like Oshima Tsumugi or Arimatsu indigo


I also use French antique lace or tulle as my inspiration work freely

If you feel empowered, feel love, hope, freedom, courage and peacefulness through my works.

There is nothing more that I can ask for. 


                                   June Yamaguchi, Fabric Flower Designer 

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